• Why You Shouldn’t Try a DIY Divorce


    No matter how simple your divorce might seem at first blush, things are rarely that easy when it comes to family law. Divorce lawyers in Owings Mills are intimately familiar with the many nuances of divorce, alimony, child custody, and child support laws. You can rely on your divorce lawyer to give you trustworthy guidance about your case and your options. If you do try a DIY divorce, you run the risk of making costly mistakes on the court paperwork, getting an unfair property division, and most importantly, losing the right to joint custody of your children.

    Hiring a lawyer gives you another key advantage: a buffer zone in court. Divorce cases are incredibly stressful. Even if you’ve appeared before a judge before, you’ll likely find it difficult to present your arguments effectively during such a high-stress time. Your lawyer is the liaison between you and everyone else involved in the case, including your soon-to-be ex-spouse and his or her lawyer.


  • A Quick Look at the New DUI Law in Maryland

    If you’ve recently consulted a lawyer in Owings Mills about legal representation for your DUI case, you may be informed of a new law that recently took effect this fall. DUI lawyers in Maryland have been evaluating the possible effects of Noah’s Law on their clients. The law was named in honor of a 24-year-old police officer in Montgomery County, Noah Leotta, who was killed during a routine traffic stop when a drunk driver struck him.

    The new law mandates that any driver who is convicted of DUI or DWI is required to have an ignition interlock device installed. While ignition interlock devices are nothing new, what makes this law especially aggressive is that drivers can be required to use the devices for six months if a chemical test reveals a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher-regardless of whether or not the drivers are convicted. If a driver refuses a Breathalyzer test, the interlock device must be used for nine months or the driver’s license will be suspended.

    The New DUI Law in Maryland

  • Why DIY Divorces Are Disasters

    Making the decision to end a marriage is never easy, but that doesn’t mean that it’s always contentious. In fact, many couples successfully reach an uncontested divorce settlement. If you and your spouse have realized that it’s time to part ways, you may be tempted to download the legal forms yourself and do a DIY divorce. Unfortunately, this is a recipe for disaster. Family law can be incredibly complex and only divorce lawyers serving Carroll and Baltimore Counties can prevent you from making mistakes that may cost you in the long run.

    A family lawyer can advise you of the many nuances of family law that may not have even occurred to you, such as the potential tax penalties for dividing retirement assets and the possible legal consequences for moving your children to another state. Furthermore, your family law attorney will have a keen understanding of the local family court system, along with its many rules and procedures. Failing to abide by these rules and procedures because you avoided hiring a family law attorney may cause you to automatically waive your legal rights. It’s always advisable to protect yourself, your kids, and your assets by hiring a seasoned family law attorney.

    DIY Divorces in Owing Mills