• Understanding the Deposition Process


    The process of seeking injury compensation for incidents occurring in the Owings Mills area includes taking legal depositions. During a deposition, a party involved with the personal injury lawsuit will be asked questions. Although this person is sworn to tell the truth at this time, the deposition does not take place in a courtroom. No judge or jury is present.

    Your personal injury lawyer can help you learn more of what to expect during the deposition, and you can also watch this helpful animation. It uses the fictitious story of Patty the plaintiff and Debbie the defendant to explain how depositions work. You’ll hear about the types of questions the attorneys might ask. You’ll also learn that if Patty contradicts her deposition testimony while on the witness stand at the trial, she could be accused of perjury.

  • Types of Protective Orders

    A type of restraining order, known as a protective order, is a type of court order that plays an integral role in domestic violence law in Baltimore County . Protective orders are usually, but not exclusively, issued against other family members, household members, or former intimate partners. Family court attorneys can help you obtain an appropriate type of protective order. Your attorney will typically obtain a temporary order first, prior to being able to request a permanent order of protection. A temporary protective order goes into effect for no longer than six months, although it is typically in place for a much shorter period of time. Despite the name, a permanent protective order is not actually permanent. It goes into effect for a longer period of time; it may last for months or up to a year. However, your attorney may be able to get the protective order renewed or extended if you are still in danger.

    Maryland domestic law also classifies these court orders according to whether the petitioner has had a relationship with the harasser or abuser. If so, then it is officially known as a protective order. If not, then your attorney will request a peace order on your behalf.

    Restraining Orders in Owing Mills

  • Seeking Compensation After an Accident

    If you have been in an accident, after getting medical attention, one of the first things you should do is consult with an accident lawyer in Owings Mills . Whether you were injured in a car accident, slip and fall, or another kind of incident that wasn’t your fault, seeking help as soon as possible from a personal injury lawyer will help you protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve. If you have been injured in an accident, follow these steps to seek compensation.

    Gather Evidence

    Car Accident in Owing Mills All the information you can gather at the scene of your accident is helpful to your personal injury attorney. After an accident, the first thing you should do is get medical attention if necessary. If your injury allows you to, take photographs of the scene to document important details about the incident, such as a stop sign that another driver ignored or a wet floor that customers weren’t warned about in a restaurant. By documenting the scene, you can prevent the other party from arguing that the circumstances were different. It can also be helpful to speak to people who saw the accident to see if they would be willing to act as witnesses.

    Get Medical Treatment

    Even if you don’t feel like you’re injured, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible after an accident. In certain incidences, such as car accidents, injury symptoms may not appear until days later, so getting evaluated means that you can get a diagnosis and begin treatment early. It is also helpful to have a record of your injuries created soon after the accident so that the other party cannot argue that they occurred later.

    Avoid Discussing the Case

    At the scene, avoid talking about the circumstances of the accident with anyone. If police are called, provide them with the information they request, but avoid saying anything that could be construed as admitting fault, and never talk to an insurance company without an attorney. The details of your case should remain between you and a personal injury lawyer until a decision is reached.